Six ways to create a more welcoming guest room

Six ways to create a more welcoming guest room


1. A small bunch of flowers shows you care.

Visitors don’t expect hotel-like facilities, but a few thoughtful touches can go a long way to making guests feel welcome.

Creating a cosy and comfortable space shows your guests that you care. Here are our top tips for a spare room that’s sure to give your visitors a relaxing stay.

1. Never underestimate the impact of real flowers. Not only do they add scent and colour, they demonstrate  your visitors that you cared enough to make the effort. Just a small bunch is fine – no need for overpowering blooms – as some guests may have allergies.

 2. No need to go the whole hog with tea and coffee in a basket, but why not leave some fruit in a bowl and maybe a kit kat in case the late night munchies strike?

3. A late-night read is how many people wind down, so why not leave an alluring pile of books on the bedside table? Whether The Girl on the Train, Fifty Shades of Gray, or the latest Booker prize winner, a guest room is a great place to store books you’ve read recently.

Chinese Double Happiness Lamp
Chinese lamp for thoughtful bedside lighting

4. Think  about lighting on a bedside table so your guests don’t have to stumble into bed in the dark. Small details like this can often be overlooked in a room you don’t regularly sleep in. This Chinese lamp from Shimu is decorated with the double happiness symbol so sweet dreams are guaranteed!

5. Everyone’s comfortable sleeping temperature is different, so layer the bed with cotton sheets, a duvet and lots of throws. Shimu has a lovely selection of oriental textiles, including vintage embroidered suzanis from Uzbekistan, soft textured throws and brightly stitched ethnic cushions. See the full range of oriental throws and cushions here.

6. Blackout blinds are a thoughtful touch in any spare room, and particularly important if you don’t want your guests up too early in the morning!

As we said, being a great host is not about providing hotel-standard facilities, but simply considering the things youwould expect for a welcoming stay and a good nights sleep.

Thanks to House Beautiful for the photo and tip about fresh flowers.

 Shimu Throw

Textured throw from Shimu

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