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Shanghai restaurants

Chinese furniture, food and feet

I’m writing this at the airport after a couple of busy days in Shanghai and having just about got the better of some serious jet lag. It has been a productive time so far, with a day spent touring around...

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Bronze Chinese Horse

Getting ready for another sourcing trip to China

It’s been longer than I would have liked since my last visit, but I’m flying out again to China in ten days or so to meet up with suppliers and to source more beautiful antiques and accessories. First stop this...

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Chinese Walnut Sideboard, Gansu

A wonderful walnut sideboard from Gansu

With the Chinese New Year holiday upon us, everything has now stopped for a few weeks at the workshops in Shanghai and Beijing. Most of the craftsmen that produce our furniture or restore our antique pieces are originally from parts...

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47 Ronin

Samurai stools made to order for Hollywood!

Each time we ship a container of furniture over from China, along with our standard ranges there will always be several items that we have made to order to meet specific customer requests. In most cases these are fairly simple...

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Qinghai Painted Sideboard

Panjiayuan market and more antiques

Back at the hotel and a chance to draw breath after a couple of hectic but productive days around Beijing. The rain on Friday turned to beautiful, clear blue skies in the past couple of days – or at least...

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Qinghai armoire detail

Busy day in Beijing and an unusual find

I arrived in Beijing yesterday and woke up with a jet lagged early start this morning to the pouring rain. This is the first time I’ve been here at this time of year and the humidity is something of a...

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